
The NN Dam tot Damloop and Damloop by night are popular running events where participants and supporters come to enjoy the unique atmosphere. Our advice is to travel by train to Amsterdam and Zaandam as much as possible due to the crowds. Check out other options in terms of accessibility below. 

Because of the huge number of participants, we recommend you to travel by public transport to Amsterdam or Zaandam. NS will use longer trains and will make extra stops at Zaandam station. The start of both the 5 and 10 Miles is within walking distance of the station. The route between NS station and the start will be indicated.

Well prepared on the road

Plan your trip from door to door in the NS App or on, also for your return journey. Then check your trip again shortly before departure for the most up-to-date travel advice. You can also buy your ticket online. If you travel with a group, then the Group ticket off-peak might be something for you. Or get a discount if you book your ticket in advance with Vroegboek Dal. If you travel with an OV-Chipkaart, be sure to load enough balance onto your card in advance, also for the return trip. This way you avoid long waits at the ticket machines.

OVpay: easily check in and out with your debit card
Traveling on public transport and paying for your ride has never been easier. Simply check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile phone. Buying a ticket in advance is no longer necessary. The cost of your public transport ride is debited from your account at the end of the day. Read all about OVpay.

On Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22, we do not recommend to take your bike on the trains to the Dam tot Dam events (Amsterdam - Zaandam). Due to the expected very large crowds on these trains, there will be little to no room for bicycles.
Car P+R
This edition, the NN Dam tot Damloop will use parking tickets at the P+R location on Industrieterrein Hoogtij (Boeilijn, Westzaan). From there, you can take the free shuttle bus to the Dam tot Dam Park (start of the 5 English Miles) or to the start of the 10 English Miles in Amsterdam. From Monday, July 8th, registered participants can order a parking ticket for €10 in their personal dashboard. Upon arrival at the parking lot, you will be directly directed to an available parking spot. Your parking ticket will be checked upon exiting the parking lot to ensure smooth traffic flow.

From Friday evening, September 20th at 23.59 hours, supporters and visitors of the NN Dam tot Damloop can also purchase a parking ticket online. It is also possible to buy a parking ticket on-site, as long as parking spaces are available.

How to reach P+R Industrieterrein Hoogtij (Boeilijn, Westzaan)
Park at this location to avoid traffic congestion in Zaandam. From this location, shuttle buses run to the Dam tot Dam Park and to the start of the 10 English Miles in Amsterdam.

From the A7: Take the A8 towards Amsterdam before Zaandam. On the A8, take exit 1 (Oostzaan/Zaandam-Zuid). Follow the signs to Zaandam-Zuid and then the signs to Hoogtij.

From the N203 and N246: Follow the N246 towards Westzaan and then the signs to Westzaan-Zuid. This will lead you directly to Hoogtij.

From the A9: At the Wijkertunnel, take exit 8 (Beverwijk/Bazaar/Zaanstad). Follow the N246. When you reach Buitenhuizen, follow the signs towards Zaandam/Westzaan-Zuid, and you will arrive directly at Hoogtij.

You can also use a P+R near you and take the train to the NS station Zaandam or Amsterdam

P+R Amsterdam Sloterdijk (about 250 places, suitable if you come from the west of the Netherlands).
  • From ring road Amsterdam A10 take exit S102 (Basisweg).
You can use the P+R parking facilities at both P+R Amsterdam Sloterdijk and P+R ArenA. The P+R parking fee in the weekends is € 6.00 per vehicle per 24 hours. You can then buy the cheap P+R GVB cards (maximum 5) at the location, which you can use to travel with the GVB bus, streetcar and metro. See more information about P+R locations in Amsterdam during the NN Dam tot Damloop.

For more information about the accessibility of Amsterdam, please visit For other advice, please visit

Parking Centrum Amsterdam

Parking Centrum Oosterdok is a 7-minute walk from the start of the 10 English mile. If you book in advance, you pay only €10 to €25 for a whole day's parking at Parking Centrum Oosterdok, depending on availability. Without a reservation, you pay a maximum of €30 per 24 hours (from 6 hours parking). Want to go to another part of the course? Parking Centrum Oosterdok is a 4-minute walk from Amsterdam Central Station. Here, participants and supporters can use the shuttle buses to the rest of the course for free.

Parking in the center of Zaandam
Click here for more information about the use of parking garages and parking lots in Zaandam. The parking lot De Burcht is not available during the Damloop by night and the NN Dam tot Damloop.
Shuttle buses
Participants and supporters can use the shuttle buses free of charge. There are the following possibilities:

From P+R Hoogtij in Zaandam (Boeilijn, Westzaan)
  • Saturday from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. to the Dam tot Dam Park in Zaandam (approx. 20 minutes)
  • Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to the Dam tot Dam Park in Zaandam (approx. 20 minutes)
  • Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to Amsterdam Central Station (start 10 English Miles) (approx. 30 minutes)

From Dam tot Dam Park in Zaandam (Schepenlaan, 1503 HN Zaandam)
  • Saturday from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. to P+R Hoogtij + Zaandam CS (approx. 20 minutes)
  • Sunday from 9.00 to 18.30 hrs to Amsterdam CS (start 10 English Miles) (approx. 25 minutes, indication on the bus: Amsterdam)
  • Sunday from 12.00 to 18.30 to NS-station Zaandam (approx. 15 minutes) + P+R Hoogtij Zaandam (approx. 20 minutes) (entry on the bus: Zaandam).

From Amsterdam Central Station (on the kiss & ride loop on the west side of IJ-hall CS)
  • Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm to the Dam tot Dam Park in Zaandam (approx. 25 minutes).
Although many buses are used, it can sometimes take a while before empty buses arrive. We ask that you wait quietly when boarding and do not push the bus.
Are you organizing a bus trip to the Damloop by night or the NN Dam tot Damloop? Then send an email to You will then receive an email three days before the event with all the information you need to get to the event and to park.
If you come by bike to the start of the Damloop by night or the NN Dam tot Damloop, you can park it at Amsterdam Central Station. The Central Station has a total of 6,587 free parking spaces. There are also guarded paid bicycle parking facilities on the east and west side of the station. Amsterdam Centraal Station has developed a signposting system especially for cyclists. Signs draw your attention to the parking spaces, the distance from the rack to the station building and the rules. See also the website of Gemeente Amsterdam for more information.

If you are coming to the finish in Zaandam or the Dam tot Dam Park by bike, you can park it in the bike park at the Dam tot Dam Park. However, the capacity here is limited. You can also park your bike in one of the nearly 4,100 bike parking spaces in the center of Zaandam. An overview of these bicycle parking facilities can be found here.


Center of Amsterdam
Traffic can't reach the center via the Waterlooplein and Doelensluis. At these streets, a driving ban in the direction of Rokin/Damrak applies from 07.00 to 17.30 hours. Traffic that is already within the closed area can leave the center via Paleisstraat, Rokin and Vijzelstraat.
Walk towards the station
Instead of the shuttle bus, you can also walk from the finish via Gedempte Gracht back to NS-station Zaandam.
Pick up participants Zaandam
The best location to pick up participants is at the Westerwatering on the west side of NS station Zaandam. This is easily accessible by participants by foot or with the shuttle bus from the Dam tot Dam Park. Picking up participants in the center of Zaandam is discouraged.
Click on the map for an enlargement of the entry bans